New word of the day
New word of the day

new word of the day

Synonyms- trouble, pain, bother, irritation, irritant, headache, problem, hindrance, difficultyĪntonyms- benefit, pleasure, joy, comfort, godsend, enjoyment, assistance, help, cureĮxample Sentence- After facing every nuisance, he reached to the top. Hindi Meaning- बाधा, परेशानी, उपद्रव, विवादĮnglish Meaning- Something or someone causes irritation. Synonyms- abbreviate, summarize, enclose, capsulize, wrap, abridge, shorten, summariseĪntonyms- extend, expand, lengthen, enlarge, prolong, maximize, increase, growĮxample Sentence- A plastic encapsulates after burning. Synonyms- deadlock, jam, standstill, stalemate, blockage, halt, block, stop, stoppageĪntonyms- movement, passage, advance, furtherance, headway, movement, unfreeze, processĮxample Sentence- A successful person always tackles every impasse in his life. Hindi Meaning- गतिरोध, कठिन स्थिति, बन्द गलीĮnglish Meaning- A situation where no advancement is possible. Synonyms- implicate, involve, necessitate, imply, require, demand, impose, containĪntonyms- exclude, depict, cut, delete, annul, eject, expel, pull, eliminateĮxample Sentence- As the crowd increases in the parade, the security agencies entail more vigilant. Synonyms- study, analysis, inspection, examination, investigation, inquiry, surveillance, probe, scanĪntonyms- flash, glance, eyeshot, neglect, carelessness, glimpse, ignorance, unawareness, oblivionĮxample Sentence- After the detailed scrutiny of the virus, scientists have reported to the government.

new word of the day

10 Important words list with meaning Day-42 If you are willing to improve your English, you need to learn new vocabulary words in a precise manner.

new word of the day

Hello readers, today we are going to publish 10 Important words list with Hindi meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence for Day-42.

New word of the day